Historic High park NeighborhooD CounCil

Board Meeting


October 3, 2002

The Meeting was called to order by the Interim President, Edward Rivera at 7:20 pm. He noted a change on the agenda, which was approved by the board.

Heinrich Keifer gave an election report. He suggested a change of the election to a single election on November 23. Nominations would have to be reopened as soon as DONE had started passing out the walk-man piece. A sample of the piece was passed around and approved.


A change in the elections code was passed, upon approval by DONE.

A change of the Bylaws was passed with an objection by Stakeholder Timothy Kirby-Goldcamp that the agenda had not noted a bylaws vote.

An Outreach report from Valerie Shaw was read by Margaret Arnold.

Interim President Rivera asked for organizations in the Highland Park Community, and persons who would attend a meeting or contact chair of these organizations.